My friend from Dubai, the amazing Dr. Natalia Wiechowski has just launched a wonderful book on Personal Branding with LinkedIn.

What is personal branding? Isn’t self-marketing only for celebrities, athletes and extroverts? Why do I need personal branding? How do I build a top personal brand? And why should I do this on LinkedIn?In this book, Dr. Natalia Wiechowski answers these and other questions about the topic “brand me.” You will love this book if you are ready to learn, reflect, and implement practical advice from Dr. Nat, who also gives profound and humorous insights about life, happiness, career, success, and the journey to her best self.


Review from Amazon:

Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2020

Dr. Natz’s book is fantastic with important tricks that many times I have “ignored” and they are adapted to our current reality too. Also, I appreciated about she writes as she speaks, what do I mean? I’ve read multiple books over the years, but in the business or motivational area, you feel disconected there is a moment that you feel the author is a kind of god and might tend to intimidate you that you cannot be as good as him/her, but she comes close to you and even how she started and invites you to watch her mistakes; therefore, she encourages that all is a work in progress to become the very best of you.

Now, going into the matter of the topic, do you believe that personal branding is important? I’d not say that it was until I started to follow her, my experience in this area was weak and for many years, I always hid my accomplishments because I was afraid I would lose more and these kinds of “acts” were only for the movie stars.

Let me share with you some of the lessons that I learned:
– Take actions right now. The book brings a trick of encouraring you to read, but most importantly to take decisive actions like rewriting your bio, taking a pic, and most importantly to reflect what you have learned with key questions like: “What aren’t you achieving? What is frustrating you?” And the most important as you can guess is to answer them even if it hurts.
– How to write a proper about. You might think, but that is obvious, I only shared some words about me and what I do. I can tell you that for over a year, I had misleading results in LinkedIn, I constantly got offers as a Front-End Developer that I agree, I have considerable experience on it, but I didn’t “have” anything related besides my about that was misleading.
– The Banner Importance. I don’t know if you have ever tried check your profile as a recruiter or another user, but it’s considerably different to the one you see. Many times, we spend a lot of time in posting nice banners in FB, but in LinkedIn, we just tend to download something random from the Internet and not necessary matches who you are or your want to sell. There is some work related and if the quality is poor too, then, you can guess what happens.
– The next step was related to build proper content. This is a work in progress. For many years I was not very open to share my experiences as a foreigner, my failures or even certain positive experiences in my posts, but honestly, the first receptions have been relatively positive and I’m going to continue on it.
– The algorithms logic, I never thought there was a considerable difference among LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. I knew that LinkedIn was more for professionals than others, but to understand that in LinkedIn you have higher chances of success without needing to go live like in Facebook, I didn’t have any clue about it, this was completely knew to me.
– Call to action, all my previous work instead of just telling a story, I added my links, where they can reach me and other small actions that many times, they were hidden and as I said before, I learned this is not a good thing.

Personally, I’m really thankful the Dr. wrote this book and brought it to life, I even bough a copy for my brother; therefore, he could start his own journey in an easier and smarter way that I did. Thanks Dr.!