by gkoboldt2625 | Mar 23, 2020 | Entrepreneur
8 books I’ve read this year. What’s on your list? I’ll be taking a 4-week break from reading to build out my book summaries of a few of these, starting with Seeing Around Corners. Knowledge is only power if you execute on it. Technology The future is faster...
by gkoboldt2625 | Jan 26, 2020 | Career, Entrepreneur, Executive, Mindset, Strategy
A PRESCRIPTIVE GUIDE TO ANTICIPATING AND CAPITALIZING ON DISRUPTIVE INFLECTION POINTS SHAPING THE MARKETPLACE Excerpt: Though seemingly sudden, inflection points are not random nor unexpected. Every “overnight” shift is actually the final stage of a process that has...
by gkoboldt2625 | Dec 31, 2019 | Career, freedom, Leadership, Mindset
2019 was quite the year… After nearly 38 years of wearing glasses, I got ICL interplantable contact lens surgery, which has fixed my eyes from blind as a bat to seeing 20/15. Words cannot express the freedom I feel from not being tied to glasses or contacts. Having...
by gkoboldt2625 | Dec 20, 2019 | Career, Continuous Improvement, Culture, freedom, Leadership, Mindset, Sales
In 2019, I accomplished my goal of reading 26 books and in fact, exceeded the goal by finishing 30. As I reflect on all these books, what is most important is not the mere fact of reading the books (check the box) but rather the ability to extract the core concepts...
by gkoboldt2625 | Nov 15, 2019 | Career, Continuous Improvement, Culture, Leadership, Mindset
In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s most successful organizations—including the U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team Six, IDEO, Google and the San Antonio Spurs—and reveals what makes them tick. He demystifies the culture-building process by identifying...