by gkoboldt2625 | May 27, 2019 | Leadership, Linkedin
Pepperdine University graciously asked me to contribute an article on the new LinkedIn. Gone are the days of LinkedIn being perceived as just a “job-networking” platform. It’s now dominated by a new generation of content creators who desire to “connect” at a much...
by gkoboldt2625 | Jan 19, 2019 | Linkedin
Gone are the days of Linkedin being perceived as just a “job-networking” platform. It’s now dominated by a new generation of content creators who desire to “connect” at a much deeper level beyond the profile. This is further evident by people meeting offline at...
by gkoboldt2625 | Nov 12, 2018 | Linkedin, Resume tips
If you’ve ever lost a job then you know the myriad of feelings one goes through, but FEAR seems to stand out the most, especially as time goes on. Why isn’t anyone calling me back? Am I not good enough? How am I going to pay my bills? Etc. I can empathize with their...
by gkoboldt2625 | Oct 9, 2018 | Linkedin
Honored to have been chosen as a “humanitarian” Global Goodwill Ambassador, by Richard Dipilla and his organization on LinkedIn.
by gkoboldt2625 | Sep 4, 2018 | Career, Entrepreneur, Instagram, Linkedin, Resume tips, Technology brings back simplicity, empowering you, the user to discover and elegantly organize, share and promote relevant content. This web technology utilizes #smartlists which allows you to build your online eco-system in a visually optimized list across websites and...
by gkoboldt2625 | Jul 22, 2018 | Continuous Improvement, Entrepreneur, Executive, Linkedin, Mindset
This 10 tips, 10 days campaign was started on LinkedIn – see official link. Tip #1: How to apply LEAN methodology to your business What is LEAN? Lean is a problem solving methodology to help you eliminate “waste” and maximize customer value. The...